Eden Prairie, MN – Our president, Dr. Dehua Yang, has been selected as a member of the 2018 Editorial Advisory Board for the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers’ magazine, Tribology & Lubrication Technology (TLT). The magazine is the official monthly publication of STLE and is created to aid in the technical education and professional development of STLE members and industry colleagues.
In his appointment letter, Mr. Thomas T. Astrene, Publisher, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers wrote: “Congratulations–I am pleased to let you know you have been named to TLT’s 2018 Editorial Advisory Board. This is no small honor…The review process was rigorous, and making the final choices was an extremely difficult task. Your selection was based entirely on your technical knowledge, years of experience and sterling reputation within the lubricants industry.”