The BYK-mac i colorimeter is a multi-angle spectrophotometer used to quantify color and reflective effects.  Originally designed for color matching of metallic paint in the automotive industry, the BYK-mac i has been used to measure color of cosmetics, anodized aluminum, molded ABS parts, transparent plastics and glasses, not to mention an enormous variety of paints, pigments, tints, and dyes.  It enables consistent color measurement throughout the supply chain using digital standards, removing the need for exchanging physical color standards that degrade or fade with time.  The end results are products with consistent color harmony.

The BYK-mac i features 6-angle color measurement to evaluate color ‘travel’, or how the color changes at different viewing angles.  Detects the amount of fluorescent light in the optical range (400 – 700 nm).  LED light source simulates several types of illumination, including incandescent bulbs, fluorescent lighting, and “standard” daylight.  The associated software can also predict how a color will change in different illumination and whether it would be detectable to human vision.  It also measures the optical fluorescence of a surface, which is directly related to its colorfastness, or time before the fading occurs.

Typical Experimental Results

Reflectance spectra of car paint at 45° and 115° before and after a car wash.  The clean car paint (blue line) reflects strongly above 630 nm, which corresponds to red light.  The dirty paint (yellow line) reflects all colors of the spectrum and is more noticeable at higher angles.


coming soon

Instrument: BYK-mac i Colorimeter

Key Specs

Spectral Range400 – 700 nm
Spectral Resolution10 nm
Measurement Range0 – 600% reflectance
Measurement Area23 mm diameter
Illumination Angle45°
Color Detection Angles-15°, 15°, 25°, 45°, 75°, 110°
Sparkle and Granularity Detection Angles15°, 45°, 75°
Color Repeatability0.01 ΔE*
Color ReproducibilityΔE* < 0.25
Illuminant TypesA, C, D50, D65, F2, F7, F11, F12

Technical Standards

ASTM D2244Standard Practice for Calculation of Color Tolerances and Color Differences from Instrumentally Measured Color CoordinatesLink
ASTM E308Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE SystemLink
ASTM E1164Standard Practice for Obtaining Spectrometric Data for Object-Color EvaluationLink
ASTM E2194ASTM E2194-14(2017) Standard Test Method for Multiangle Color Measurement of Metal Flake Pigmented MaterialsLink
DIN EN ISO 11664Colours and Measurement of Light – ColorimetryLink
SAE J1545Instrumental Color Difference Measurement for Exterior Finishes, Textiles and Colored TrimLink