Turbidity can be defined as the clarity or cloudiness of a liquid. Liquid samples can be comprised of many particles that can indicate the quality or properties of the sample.

Inside the turbidimeter, a light source sitting at a 90 degree angle shines into the liquid. The particles in the liquid scatter the light from the source, which results in a light scattering reading. This reading is then converted to a numerical measurement that is measured against five different calibrated sources. A higher number means there are a higher number of particles that scattered the light, and a lower number means a lower number of particles scattering the light.

Examples of this application include acceptable levels of particles in drinking water, or environmental water quality in nature. In other aspects of life, one only needs to look towards beer, wine, and spirits and appreciate effects of turbidity in the food and beverage industry. Turbidity is a very useful tool to determine clarity of your liquid sample, which may or may not in turn, affect the quality of your final product.

Typical Experimental Results

SampleTurbidity (NTU)
Root Beer0.95
Tap Water2.29
Dish Soap6.54
Saturated Sugar Dispersion83.7


Water QualityBeer HazinessWaxes
EPA 180.1Liquid MixturesEPA GLI Method 2
European Brewing ChemistsAmerican Society of Brewing% Transmittance
Wine ClarityMilk solids Dispersions

Instrument: AQ45400 Turbidimeter

Key Specs

Light SourceWhite and IR LED lights
Measurement ModesNephelometric: EPA 180.1, ISO Absorbance: ISO Radiometric: IR % Transmittance EPA GLI method 2 EBC (European Brewing Chemists) ASBC (American Society of Brewing Chemists)
Measurement Ranges0 to 4000 NTU EPA: 0 to 2000 NTU GLI range: 0 to 40 NTU ISO-7027: 0 to 150 FAU IR Ratio: 0 to 4000 NTU EBC: 0 to 24.5 ASBC: 0 to 236
Resolution0.01 (0 to 9.99 NTU), 0.1 (10 to 99.9), 1 (100 to 4000)

ASTM Standards

ASTM NumberTitleWebsite Link
D6698Standard Test Method for On-Line Measurement of Turbidity Below 5 NTU in WaterLink
D6855Standard Test Method for Determination of Turbidity Below 5 NTU in Static ModeLink
D7315Standard Test Method for Determination of Turbidity Above 1 Turbidity Unit (TU) in Static ModeLink
D7726Standard Guide for The Use of Various Turbidimeter Technologies for Measurement of Turbidity in WaterLink
D7937Standard Test Method for In-situ Determination of Turbidity Above 1 Turbidity Unit (TU) in Surface WaterLink

ISO Standards

ISO NumberTitleWebsite Link
ISO 7027Water quality — Determination of turbidity — Part 1: Quantitative methodsLink
ISO 7027Water quality — Determination of turbidity — Part 2: Semi-quantitative methods for the assessment of transparency of watersLink