Abrasion | The Taber Abraser applies a standardized pressure to create characteristic rub-wear action. Abrasion analysis can give an estimate of the wear index and abrasion resistance of a given material. |
AFM | Atomic Force Microscopy can give information on surface roughness, morphology, and other information about material surfaces using different contact modes. |
Contact Stylus for Surface Roughness Analysis | Surface roughness is a critical factor for machined parts and finished goods because of its effect on their mechanical properties, performance out in the field, and failure susceptibility. |
Depth Profiling | In dynamic nanoindentation tests, the CSM technique allows for continuous measurements of contact stiffness as the displacement increases, which allows for mechanical property depth profiling testing at much faster speeds than the quasi-static nanoindentation approach. |
Express Property Mapping | This testing mode allows for hundreds of indents to be made in a matter of minutes. A property map can be made from the indentation data, allowing for identification of different regions or phases within a tested material. |
Macroscratch | Scratch resistance, mar resistance, interfacial adhesion measurements through marchscratch tests. |
Microindentation | Vickers and Micro Vickers hardness measurements through microindentation tests. |
Microscratch | Scratch resistance, mar resistance, interfacial adhesion measurements through microscratch tests. |
Modulus Mapping |
Modulus mapping is a technique to map and display the mechanical properties of a material surface through joint actions of dynamic mechanical testing (nanoDMA) and in-situ SPM (scanning probe microscopy) imaging. |
NanoDMA |
The nanoscale dynamic mechanical analysis (nanoDMA) technique is accomplished on a nanoindenter with a dynamic mechanical testing package and heating/cooling stage. It is performed by superimposing a small sinusoidal load on top of a larger quasi-static load during a nanoindentation test. |
Nanoindentation |
Nano hardness, elastic modulus, stiffness measurements through nanoindentation tests. |
Nanoscratch |
Nanoscratch is an analytical technique that is primarily used for characterizing surface coatings at nanoscale. |
Rheology |
Rheology focuses on the relationship between the force applied on a material and its deformation or flow. |
Scratch Testing ISO 1518 |
The Elcometer 3000 Motorised Clemen Unit is a high load scratch tester ideally designed to test paints and coatings that have a conductive substrate. |
Shore A and Shore D Hardness |
Shore hardness is a quick and easy way to measure a material’s hardness or resistance to indentation damage. |
Universal Testing Machine |
The Shimadzu AGX-V Universal Testing Machine is a versatile instrument that provides mechanical testing in a wide range of applications. |