The instrument that is used for Zeta potential analyses through the streaming potential technique is an Anton Paar SurPASS 3 Electrokinetic Analyzer. The SurPASS 3 employs the classic streaming potential and streaming current method to directly analyze the surface zeta potential of solid materials. The surface Zeta potential is related to the surface charge at a solid/liquid interface and is a key parameter for understanding surface properties and developing new specialized materials. Understanding the surface Zeta potential is vital to study the charge and adsorption behavior of solid surfaces. Automatic pH scans, isoelectric point determinations, and time-dependent recording of adsorption kinetics allow for a deep understanding of the surface chemistry, allowing investigators to confirm or identify the surface chemistry of their materials.
Typical Experimental Results

Automobile Industry | Binding Kinetics | Catheters |
Coatings | Foils | Formulations Testing |
Fibers | Geological | Isoelectric Point |
Laminate Polymers | Medical Devices | Membranes |
Metal Oxides | Metal Powders | Oil and Gas |
Particles | pH Scanning | Pharmaceuticals |
Plastics | Polymers | Polymer Blends |
Powders | Surface Charge | Surface Conductivity |
Surface Zeta Potential | Surfactants | Thin Films |
For more information, please see our application notes.
Instrument: Anton Paar Electrokinetic Analyzer

Key Specifications
Streaming Potential Range | ± 2000 mV |
Streaming Current Range | ± 2 mA |
Cell Resistance | 5 Ω – 20 MΩ |
Pressure Measurement | 3500 mbar |
pH Value | pH 2 -12 |
Conductivity | 0.1 – 1000 mS/m |
Sample Size: Planar Solids | 20 mm x 10 mm |
Sample Size: Powders and Fibers | >25 µm |
Sample Size: Disks | 14-15 mm |
Sample Size: Flexible Tubing | 6 mm OD 10 cm length |
Temperature | 20 |